The importance of water

Did you know that the human body is made up of 60% water?

So what is it about drinking water, that is often neglected from our daily routines? (Have to confess, I’m sat here typing this with a cup of tea!)

On any given day, the human body can lose up to 1.8L of fluid, this is through general day to day perspiration (sweat) - and no that doesn’t take into account a work out!

Did we mention your body is amazing…..  its sole purpose is to keep you alive. It is constantly working, regulating your temperature (by sweating) in order to maintain your healthy core temperature to survive. This is all done automatically without the need for you to think about it (Autonomic).

But I don’t sweat I hear you say!  (or least I don’t feel like I do)…. You will be…it happens when sat in front of your desk, watching TV, sleeping etc… majority of the time your perspiration goes unnoticed.

What are the benefits then?

1. Your Brain!
(that’s a biggie)  - the brain is made up of 73% water, dehydration to this can have a dramatic affect on its ability to function optimally! If it is unable to do so, it can display in the following ways..

  • Mood and Memory

  • Alertness

  • Concentration

  • Reduces motor skills (sports players will likely notice this)

  • Heightens your sensitivity to pain

2. Headache preventative!

Nobody likes a headache, painful, at times debilitating and usually arrives just when you don’t want it to! None the less - it is always good practice to go through a check list… first question should be. Have I drank enough water today? - If the answer is no, it is highly likely that dehydration is playing a part in your headache.

3. Flush toxins from the system:

Water consumption will help to flush toxins from your body (via that good sweat and of course urination). By doing this you can help reduce the likelihood of urinary tract infection, kidney infection or kidney stones. Your body is always on the go, detoxifying what is going in - this is via the lungs, liver and kidney. WE are not all golden, we sometimes give the body a little more than it can handle (lots of unhealthy food, snacks and lack of exercise) but the water element will help to flush the excess.

4. Immune Boost.

This goes hand in hand with point 3 - water helps to blood carry oxygen around the body. How? Blood is made up of many products, however dehydration has shown to increase blood viscosity therefore slowing the flow around the body! (Any body feeling sluggish here?)

5. Regularity….

Drinking water helps to keep the bowels nice and regular! Warding off constipation, your guts will thank you for it!

To conclude…..

There you have it, some of the benefits of drinking water!

Remember during the winter months its more important - we naturally shy away from it,  therefore it can really have a contributing affect on mood during the dark months!

Ideally, we should be aiming to drink between 2.5-3Litres daily, but more if you are exercising in order to help the body function the best it can!

So, if you are feeling tired, hungry, headache… ask yourself that important question…

“Have I drank enough water?”


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