The hip is a very strong ball and socket joint. It is supported by a sturdy network of tendons, muscles, ligaments and bursa. Hip pain is a common complaint within the public, and pain can be caused by a variety of different structures that surround and inter-connect with the hip joint, therefore, pain is not always the joint itself.
Common causes of hip pain are; osteoarthritis (OA), muscle strains, tendonitis (tendinopathy), fracture, bursitis, capsular tear, impingement (FAI), age related changes and biomechanics changes that can happen over a long period of time, plus many others.
Hip pain can be caused by unaccustomed or increased activity (sudden overuse), joint degeneration or trauma such as impact injuries (falls, RTA) and sports sports injury. Symptoms can sometimes also be heightened with excess weight and poor muscle strength.
Symptoms might include:
Groin pain
Buttock pain
Low back pain
Pain and stiffness in the hip joint
Difficulty walking or walking with a limp
‘Catching’ of the hip joint (painful click)
Difficulty sleeping on affected hip
Reduced range of motion at the hip
Here at The Chewton Chiropractor, an in-depth medical history is taken, followed by a thorough physical examination of nerves and muscles for function, in addition, to specialised orthopaedic tests to confirm the cause of your sciatica.
Types of treatment:
We are all individuals and therefore treatment is very individual. A course of care will be tailored for you and your presentation to clinic. Techniques are use to reduce symptoms, educate and ultimately address the main cause of your problem. We use a variety of different treatment modalities including; manual therapy, mobility stretches, strength and conditioning exercises and medical acupuncture.