Thoracic (mid back) pain

Your thoracic spine is located below your neck (cervical spine) and above your low back (lumbar spine), it is also attached to your ribs!

Generally speaking thoracic pain is derived from muscular tension or irritation.  At times a sprain can also occur to the joints where your ribs join your thoracic spine.

Most common causes:

  • Poor posture (static repetitive postures such as desk work)

  • Sports injury

  • Overuse injuries

The thoracic spine is also susceptible to referred pain.  Referred pain is when you feel pain in one part of your body, but it is actually caused by pain or injury in another part of your body. For example, heart issues, lung issues, gall bladder.

This is why a thorough health history and physical examination is important to help determine where pain is coming from so that the right care can be started, with the correct health care practitioner.

Common symptoms:

Symptoms can come on suddenly, or gradually over time. Signs and symptoms of middle back pain include:

  • Pain that is sharp

  • Stabbing pain

  • Dull or achy

  • Cramping

  • Tight or stiff muscles.


Here at The Chewton Chiropractor, an in-depth medical history is taken, followed by a thorough physical examination of nerves and muscles for function, in addition, to specialised orthopaedic tests to confirm the cause of your sciatica.

Types of treatment:

We are all individuals and therefore treatment is very individual. A course of care will be tailored for you and your presentation to clinic. Various techniques are used to reduce symptoms, increase mobility, educate and ultimately address the main cause of your problem. We use a variety of different treatment modalities including; manual therapy, mobility stretches, strength and conditioning exercises and medical acupuncture.