
This is a condition that relates to the cartilage in your joints becoming thinner.  You’ll often hear its ‘wear and tear’ and as we age this increase.  It can also happen earlier in life if there has been any traumatic injuries at the joint.


  • Joint pain and stiffness

  • Joint swelling

  • Decreased range of motion in joints

  • Unilateral (one sided)

  • Symptoms are likely to develop slowly over many years

  • Joint stiffness is common, particularly in the mornings, this usually eases after 30 minutes.

The exact cause is unknown, there are several possible factors that are it thought to be causative of osteoarthritis; age, joint injury, family history, obesity and females.

Recent research is showing that although osteoarthritis may be present, severity of pain can be produced by surround muscles to the joints.  Therefore, continuing to use and strengthen the muscles is very important.

We actively encourage exercise, strength and conditioning here at The Chewton Chiropractor as we want you to take control and build resilience.


Here at The Chewton Chiropractor, an in-depth medical history is taken, followed by a thorough physical examination of nerves and muscles for function, in addition, to specialised orthopaedic tests to confirm the cause of your sciatica.

Types of treatment:

We are all individuals and therefore treatment is very individual. A course of care will be tailored for you and your presentation to clinic. Techniques are use to reduce symptoms, educate and ultimately address the main cause of your problem. We use a variety of different treatment modalities including; manual therapy, mobility stretches, strength and conditioning exercises and medical acupuncture.