Medical Acupuncture

Medical Acupuncture can also be known as Western acupuncture or dry needling. It is widely used within manual therapy and is aimed as an adjunct therapy in order to help relieve pain. It can also be recommended following a medical diagnosis.

How does it work?

Sterile one time use acupuncture needles are used at targeted muscles whereby, it stimulates the sensory nerves under the skin and in those chosen muscles. In response, the body produces natural substances, such as pain-relieving cells - Endorphins.

NICE guidelines have recognised the effect of using dry needling for musculoskeletal health for the following conditions;

  • Cervicogenic headaches (Headaches derived from neck structures)

  • Migraines

  • Chronic pain (primary and secondary)

  • Non-specific low back pain

Medical acupuncture is an adjunct therapy, and is only to be used if it is clinically safe to do so. Further research continues within this area.


UK, N.G.C., 2021: Chronic pain (primary and secondary) in over 16s: assessment of all chronic pain and management of chronic primary pain. NICE guideline [NG193]Published: 07 April 2021