Neck pain is a broad classification of pain which include all structures relating to the neck. This can be joint, muscle, nerves and discs and posture related factors.

Modern day living is having a dramatic impact on the structures of the neck, for example - long periods sitting behind a desk, driving, use of mobile devices, poor sleep hygiene, poor posture during work and also relaxing in front of the TV. These daily actinides over a long period of time can contribute to neck discomfort and also can contribute to neck related headaches. With the above, neck pain in the second most common complaint that a Chiropractor will see in practice.


Here at The Chewton Chiropractor, an in-depth medical history is taken, followed by a thorough physical examination of nerves and muscles for function and mobility of joints. In addition, specialised orthopaedic tests to confirm the cause of your neck pain. If we find we cannot help, we will guide you to the correct health professional for further investigation.

Types of treatment:

We are all individuals! Therefore treatment is very individual. A course of care will be tailored for you and your presentation to clinic. Various techniques are used to reduce symptoms, educate and ultimately address the main cause of your problem. We use a variety of different treatment modalities including; manual therapy, mobility stretches, strength and conditioning exercises and medical acupuncture.

Neck Pain