Headaches and Migraines

What are they?

 Headaches and migraines can be disruptive at any time and can really impact day to day lives of those that suffer.  It can also impact the family and friends of the sufferer.

Majority of headaches can originate from the neck, from the surrounding joints and muscles, however, reports suggest that with busy and stressful lifestyle and lack of physical activity, tension type headaches are becoming more prolific.

As a chiropractor we can help with headaches and migraines.  Those that arise from the neck (cervicogenic headaches) and tension headaches.

Tension Type Headaches (TTH)
These types of headaches can affect up to 80% of the population, typically you may feel a tightening or pressing sensation to both sides of the head.

Cervicogenic Headaches (CGH)
These types of headaches can be problematic, and arise from the neck area.  This might be through a muscle strain, joint strain brought on from sporting injuries, whiplash and more.

Migraines with or without aura.  
These types of headaches are individual to each person.  Some people might experience Photophobia (sensitivity to light), Phonophobia (sensitivity to noises), nausea, visual disturbances.  These types of migraines can happen for various reasons, and can impact a person’s ability to complete day to day activities, family and work life, some
Recent census from Migraine Trust and further information form the NHS, suggest that there are an estimated 10 million adults are affected by migraines.  Children are also affected, but not enough data is available at this point. 


Here at The Chewton Chiropractor, an in-depth medical history is taken, followed by a thorough physical examination of nerves and muscles for function, in addition, to specialised orthopaedic tests to confirm the cause of your sciatica.

Types of treatment:

We are all individuals and therefore treatment is very individual. A course of care will be tailored for you and your presentation to clinic. Techniques are use to reduce symptoms, educate and ultimately address the main cause of your problem. We use a variety of different treatment modalities including; manual therapy, mobility stretches, strength and conditioning exercises and medical acupuncture.